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Conestabo ART GALLERY:
It is an expository space integrated in the cultural texture of the city of Trieste and open to the dialogue and exchange with the lively and propositive artistic realities of the other European Countries.
Present at most important manifestations of the sector, from Arte-Fiera of Reggio-Emilia to the Stoccarda Kermesse, it hosts and promotes a conciderable number of famous national and international artists with exibitions, fairs, symposiums, conferences.
The expositive space Conestabo Artgallery, which was opened in 2003, housed personal displays of national,international artist and academies from Ljubljana and Venice. Recently to the expositive space of via Fonderia 5 the Vetrina Gallery has been added.
Conestabo Art Studio:
The Conestabo art studio has been activefor years in the cultural- artistic sector in relation to exibitions, shows, displays, publications (catalogues, magazines), photographic reportages, offering a technical support which included several specializations, not only from the point of view of realization, but also from the proposing one, in order to collaborate with both public and private institutions for a better enhancement of the local patrimony and, at the same time, with the aim of widening forwards a broader national and international circulation.
The studio has been in the position to organize, cohordinate and offer its collaboration to the setting up and the realization of cultural shows such as competitions, conferences, congresses, meetings: for the same it has provided with expository, stage, designing, furniture equipments, beyond elaborating their relative projects and supervising their realization and installation.
As regards music, theatre and generally cultural performances for years the studio has projected and realized theatre parts such as backdrops and stages, beside providing forniture props.
The exposition section is the one where the studio has offered its most complete technical support and where it many times has acted together with local, national and foreign public and private institutions in a propositive, projectual and executive collaboration.
Beside organizing and cohordinating the preparatory phase of contemporary art shows, the studio has taken care of the setting up of their projectation and realization.
The graphic section of the studio has been involved in the publicity and divulgation fields: for them it supervised the graphic and the coordination, editorial too, of the creation of cultural publications such as art catalogues, depliants, posters, invitation cards for shows, technical or art catalogues, visiting cards, publicity material, marks and gadges for trade and sports activities and so on. The gallery has also offered its graphic collaboration to cultural magazines both specialized and divulging.
The studio has been able to equip laboratories with photographic material for exibition, publication or study purposes.
Artistic objects:
The artistic section of the studio could take advantage of Piero Conestabo is work. He is a praphic, an engraver, a painter, a plastic artist who includes in his production also small gold and silver sculptures together with jewels he realizes with the lost-wax process guaranteeing their unicity and originality.
Several Associations and Institutions have commissioned the realization also of medals and decorations on the occasion of particular recurrences.
Organiztion and realization of the setting up of the show “Incontri a Muggia '83" ( Meetings in Muggia), Saletta d'Arte Caffè Carlini, Muggia 2 - 10 July 1982
Project and realization of the setting up of the show "I 30 Rassegna d'Arte", Sala Laurana di Palazzo Ducale, Pesaro June 1983;
Project and realization of the setting up of the show "From Haiti with Colours", Azienda Autonoma di Soggiorno e Turismo of Triest

Collaboration to the organization of the show "Presenze Triestine" (Presences in Trieste), Modern Art Gallery by the Trieste City Council in Piacenza 9-27 may 1987
organization, cohordination, project work and realization of the show "Trieste – Eleven Presences", sponsored by the Centro Friulano Arti Plastiche, Udine 19 February-5 March 1988
Contemporanea di Trieste" (Contemporaneous in Trieste), Castello di San Giusto, Triest 26 March- 10 April 1988, sponsored by the Azienda Autonoma di soggiorno e turismo di Trieste
Collaboration to the realization of the exibition "L'Italia nella Psicoanalisi", Sala Comunale d'Arte, Triest, July 1989, sponsored by the Trieste city hall and by the Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani Institute
Collaboration to the realization of the setting up of the show "Abitare la periferia dell'Impero"( Inhabiting the Empire Outskirts), Scuderie di Miramare and Sala Franco, Triest 27 April-30 September 1990; sponsored and organised by the Province;
Collaboration to the setting of the exibition "La Cassa di Risparmio Triestina in Contrada del Canal Grande. Ricordi & Restauri"( the Trieste savings Bank in Canal Grande Contrada. Memories and restaurations”. Expositive Hall of the Trieste savings Bank, Trieste June 1990

Collaboration to the project and realization of the exibition "Progetti per l'Imperatore" (Projects for the Emperor), Palazzo Municipale, Triest 15 June-15 September 1990, organized by the Civic Library "A. Hortis" of Trieste;the D' Ambrosi and Cassetti Studio sto the project and realization of the urban furniture structures on the occasion of the "Neoclassico"( Neoclassical) manifestation organized by Trieste city council, June-September 1990to the project and realization of the exibition "Neoclassico, Arte, Architettura e Cultura a Trieste 1790-1840" ( Neoclassicism, the Actuality: Art, Architecture, Design), Civico Museo Sartorio and Tempio Anglicano, Triest 14 July 1990-6 January 1991, Organized by Trieste City Counciland realization of the exibition "Duino Racconta"(Duino Narrater), Duino (Triest) April 1990
Collaboration to the project and realization of the show "L'Ottocento ritrovato" (The Nineteenth Century Rediscovered), Civico Museo Revoltella - Galleria d'Arte Moderna, Trieste 22 June-30 September 1991, organized by the Civic Revoltella Museum;and realiztion of the show "Oreste Dequel", City Town Hall Palazzo Costanzi, Trieste 17 October-13 November 1991, organized by Trieste City Council;to the realization of the show "Arte Fatta" (Made Art), Civic Museum "Torre di Santa Maria", Udine September 1991, organized by Udine City Council;to the setting up of the show "Il Mito Sottile. Pittura e scultura nella città di Svevo e Saba" ( The thin Mith. Painting and sculpture in the City of Svevo and Saba), Civico Museo Revoltella- Modern Art Gallery, organized by Trieste City Hall, Trieste 26 October 1991- 31 March 1992;
Artistic cohordination, project and collaboration to the realization of the show "Il Libro Grafico"(the Graphic Book), Fiera di Trieste, Trieste 30 November-8 December 1991, organized by the Civic Library "A. Hortis" of Trieste in the occasion of the manifestation "Librografica '91";


Collaboration to the exibition "Artisti allo Specchio. Caricature e ritratti del Circolo Artistico di Trieste. "( Artists at the Looking Glass. Caricatures and Portraits of Trieste Artistic Club 1887-1910), organized by the Civic Museum of History and Art. Palazzo Costanzi, Trieste 8 febbraio-8 marzo 1992;
Organization, cohordinationmento and realization of the exibition "Una mostra per la Pace" (A Show for Peace), Stazione Marittima, Trieste 1-12 May 1992;on the occasiono f the Pope’s visit.and collaboration to the realization of the permanent exibitions of the collections of the Civic Revoltella Museum- Modern Art Gallery "From Canova to Burri. The Museum on the Stage", Trieste dal 13 June 1992;and realization of the show "Il libro costruttivista: l'intervento di El Lissitzky nella cultura del '900." ( The Constructivist Book: El Lissitzky’s Intervent in the Nineteenth Century Culture) Revoltella Civic Museum - Modern Art Gallery, Trieste 26 November 1992-8 January 1993, organized by Civic Library a "A. Hortis" on the occasion of the first Librarian European Meeting (TS)cohordination, project and realization of the show "Il Libro Grafico" (the Graphic Book), Padiglione delle Esposizioni , Rogaska Slatina 18 December 1992-5 February 1993, organized by the Civic Library "A. Hortis" of Trieste and by the “Museum of Graphics” of Rogaska Slatina;
Realization of the show "The Post - Dialectical Index", Art Civil Town Hall Palazzo Costanzi, Trieste 13 February- 4 March 1993;and realization of the show "Il libro e il mare"( the Book and the Sea), Stazione Marittima, Trieste 24-29 March 1993,organized by the Civic Library “A. Hortis” of Trieste.of the show "The Post-Dialectical Index", "Il Ventaglio Gallery ", Udine 17 April-May 1993;and realization of the show "Josef Ressel. Un inventore a Trieste"( Josef Ressel. An Inventor in Trieste), organized by the Tourist Promotional Agency of Trieste and by the Ressel Committee. Town City Hall of Costanzi Palace, 16 ottobre-15 novembre 1993
Devising, organizing, cohordination and realizing of the show "Nel divenire dei segni"( In the Becoming of the Signs), 5 personals of Trieste artists, Palazzo Alberti , Rovereto 1-14 October 1993and realization of the show "I Libri di Fondazione"( The Fundation Books), Civic Library "A. Hortis” of Triest 20 - 31 December 1993and realization of the show “I Codici Piccolominei"( The Piccolomei Codes), organized by the Civic Library "A. Hortis” of Triest on the occasiono f the bicentenari of the Fundation, Trieste 20 December 1993 - 31 January 1994
collaboration to the setting up of the show "Imago mundi et Italiae", organized by the Facoltà di Magistero dell'Università degli Studi di Trieste, Casa Romei, Ferrara 4 March - 4 Aprile 1994
project and realization of the show "Dialogo con la Biblioteca. Fotografie di Anna Gruber" ( Dialogue with the Library. Photos by Anna Gruber), organized by the Civic Library of Trieste on the occasion of the Foundation Civic Library “A. Hortis”, Triest 27 January - 30 April 1994to the setting up of the show "L'architettura del quotidiano"( The Everyday Architecture), organized by the Superintendence for the B.A.A.A.A.S. of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Franco Hall, Trieste 16 April - 14 May 1994
Project and realization of the shows "VUOTI DI MEMORIA. GINO PARIN e ALBERTO RICCOBONI"( Memory Gaps), organized by the Superintendence for the B.A.A.A.A.S. of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Franco Hall, Trieste 3 December 1994 - 7 January 1995
Meta Vouk- Mauser and Mojca Vilar at the Conestabo Artgallery from 19/11 to 04/12/2004
“Cara Lidia KL” Studio Conestabo Arte, a graphic project of the monography with Lorella Coloni by Lidia Koslovich, October 2004 ( italian )
“ la grafica tradizionale”( the traditional graphic) workshop at the Conestabo Artgallery, professor Nelson Takahiro Kishi 06-7/11/2004
“ la grafica giapponese”( Japanese Graphic) workshop at the Conestabo Artgallery, professor Robin Frood 14-15/05/2005Zupavec work on canvas and wood , from 29.04. to 17.05.2005 – Conestabo Artgallery
Erna Ferjanic Fric from 07 to 22/04/2006 - Conestabo Artgallery.(allievi in mostra- students on the stage) at the Conestabo Artgallery from 09 to 13/07/2006.Artgallery at the “Imagine” Art in Fair - 8 market fair – POAART – Per la Pace the event took place in Reggio Emilia from 08 to 11/12/2006
Transconfrontando : varie anime artistiche ( Beyond REASSURING: various artistic souls) Meeting of artists from Ljubljana and Venice Academies, incontro di artisti delle accademie di Ljubljana e Venezia. From 01 – to 29/06/2007.Pisani alla Conestabo Artgallery from 30/03 to 18/04/2007.
“Parliamo d’amore, parlemo de amor”(Let’s talk about love) Claudio Grisancich e Claudio H. Martelli in coincidence with Dante Pisani exibition at the Conestabo Art Gallery in 11/05/2007.up the exibition “Identità e percorsi degli artisti della comunità nazionale italiana a confronto con il contemporaneo”(Ptahs and Identities of the Italian National Community when confronted with the contemporanious) Scuola libera of the Etching School of Trieste. Università Popolare of Trieste from 22/06 to 06/07/2007
“ Sono solo macchie?” (spots only?) of Sergio Davanzo at Conestabo Art Gallery from 5.3 to 28.3.2007Art Gallery at the “Imagin” Arte in Fiera - 9 trade art fair – Reggio Emilia with the collaboration of the Popular University of Trieste and the Italian rijeka Union
“IMMAGINATECH” : a review of digital art expositors: BETTALE,BON,BULLI,COLONI, TOMASELLI, TORUS, ZACCARELLI at the Conestabo Art Gallery 19/1-11/02/2007
“CREATIVITA’ IN DIGITALE” workshop at the Conestabo Art gGllery, professor Lorella Coloni
Organization of the historical exibition at the Conestabo Artgallery “Dagli incisori della scuola libera dell’ acquaforte Carlo Sbisà dagli anni 60 ad oggi” ( From the Enfrarers of the Carlo Sbisà Free Etching School, from the sixties up today) Costanzi Palace of Trieste from 02 to 14/09/2008( Art Fair) in Stuttgart (Germania) - Sindelfingen Europa 50+: Berger, Coloni,Conestabo, Valencak, Davanzo, de Locatelli, Freemann,Marcucci,Paladin from18 to 20/04/2008.Studio Conestabo Art (graphic elaborations, printing, photographic reportages, endowed with a publicity logo for invitations HITECH IMPIANTI of Revas group- October 2008Artgallery has taken part in“Imagin” Arte in Fiera - 10 Trade Art Fair – Reggio Emilia with the partecipation of severar outstanding artists both national and international from 28/11 to 01/12/2008.
Conestabo ArtGallery has taken part in Artexchange II -fiera d’arte istriana (Artexchange II – Istria Art Fair) Multimedial Center of Rovigno:Pino Callea, Piero Conestabo e Dante Pisani dal 07 al 10/05/2009Barabas (Hungary)“Musica per gli occhi” ( Music for the Eyes),Conestabo Artgallery and Vetrina from 22/10 to 16/11/2009Artgallery has taken part in “Imagin” Arte in Fiera - 11 Trade Art Fair – Reggio Emilia with: Barabas, Conestabo, Davanzo, Fusco, Klun, Palcic, Salvaro, Stagni with the collaboration of the Popular University of Trieste and the Italian rijeka Union from 27 to 30/11/2009
Evgen Bavcar (Slovenia) “ Gli sguardi restituiti”( The Returned Glances)- Conestabo Artgalley and Vetrina – Presentation of Lorella Klun – preface by prof. Tatjana Rojc, from 12/2 to 10/03/2010de Locatelli “Confusione etologica”(Ethologic confusion) -Conestabo Artgallery e Vetrina dal 15/01 al 05/02/2010
“Cattedrali – facciate su squarci di vita, Cattedrali di pietra, Cattedrali dell’ anima” ( Cathedrals-Facades upon Life Tears, Stone Cathedrals, Soul Cathedrals) by Boris Fernetich 04-22/06/2010 at Conestabo Artgallery and Vetrina. lampo “da un idea” di Renzo Grigolon “Cattedrali – facciate su squarci di vita, Cattedrali di pietra, Cattedrali dell’ anima” ( A Flash Encounter from an idea of Renzo Grigolon: Cathedrals of stone, Cathedrals of the soul) circolo Assicurazioni Generali, present at the debate: Senardi, Jagodich, Redivo, Vianelli- organized by Gruppo 85 and Conestabo Artgallery. 17/06/2010.
“Fuori e dentro dei confini:”(Outside and within the Borders) three days of exibitions, meetings, events: 1)” Stefano Bronzini (I) 11 settembre” , 2) David Belas (HR) with video entitled Slobodna volja”, 3)Vojko Pogacar (SLO) “Identità di Krsko”(Identity of Krsko) by Conestabo Artgallery , 11-12-13/09/2010
“Identità di Krsko” (Identity of Krsko ) by Vojko Pogacar- Conestabo Artgallery and Vetrina from13/09 to 03/10/2010Pecile “Privatizzazione dell’ Arca di Noè” (Noah Arc Privatization) Conestabo Artgallery and Vetrina 09-30/04/2010Ambroziak (Polonia) exibit at Vetrina- via Udine 2/1 from 16 November2010 to 10 gennaio 2011
Jurièiæ (HR) from 05 to 25 November at Conestabo Artgallery and in Vetrina from 5 to 15 November in Vetrina
Lara Kobal “le maliziose” Conestabo Artgallery e Vetrina 14 gen. 3 febb 20
Fabio Rinaldi “L’altra faccia del vero” (the other face of the truth) Conestabo Artgallery and Vetrina 4 – 24 February 2011
Holos 2011– “etichette di vino”( Wine Labels) organiztion and realization by “Studio Conestabo Arte” at the Etnographic Museum of Buie (HR) 16/30 AprilKramer (Germania) at the Conestabo Artgallery and Vetrina from 18-31 March 2011Schrammel (AU) at the Conestabo Artgallery and Vetrina from 29 April to 20 May 2011
Artexchange IV -Istrian Art Fair, Multimedial Centre of Rovigno (CROAZIA) Conestabo Artgallery from26 to 29/05/2011 presents Nello Bocci, Villi Bossi, Attilio Braglia, Piero Conestabo, Giuliana Martinz, Feruccio Ramadori, Claudia Raza. Conestabo Artgallery in collaboration with the Marjinart Gallery of Istambul (Turkey)
“EL LISSITSKY” COMUNICAZIONE 2011, reordering, organization and setting up the “Studio Conestabo Arte” presents in the Castle of Motovun (HR) a review of the “Communication Path of El Lissitsky toghether with a hint to the Augusto Cernigoj “ Sala Kostruttivista” of Trieste, within a contest elaborated by the Museum of Pazin and Motovun.
“SALA KOSTRUTTIVISTA of Augusto Cernigoj 1927” reconstruction on the basis of a historical, cultural contribution (see the previous re building activated at the Museo Revoltella in Triest which was included in the show “Il Mito sottile” or “ The thin Myth”, the exhibition was re-examined and adjusted thanks to form and colours studied in depth: Piero and Sara Conestabo holders of the Studio Conestabo ARTE of Triest, seted upn collage, tempera, watercolour “ Mobile” works. The exhibition is permanent performed at the “Moderna Galerija” , Ljubljana (SLO), avgust 2011
Technical assistance- Art reconstruction of the works belonging to the historical “Sala Costruttivista”, realized in 1927 by the Trieste “Gruppo Costruttivista” headed by Augusto Cernigoj. A non permanent exhibitionat the “Civico Museo Galleria d’ Arte Moderna “P. Revoltella” Triest from october 26 1991

As part of the Biennale 2011 - The State of the Art, curated by Vittorio Sgarbi, the Libreria Mondadori of Trieste in Bookshop, housed on the ground floor of the Warehouse 26 of the Old Port, is hosting an exhibition entitled "Yesterday and today artists in the library," the exhibition, organized by Bruno Franco Fadda and pastures, ART Direktor Piero CONESTABO. Ottobre_ November 2011
"Karst from the sea" Nivea Mislej from March 30-April 21, 2012 by SHOWCASE Udine 2/1 TRIESTE
"FRUCTUS Ventris TUI" Maia Sivec from '11 May-1 June 2012 SHOWCASE via Udine 2/1 TRIESTE
Marton Barabas - DUKES HOTEL VIS VIS TRIESTE organization Conestabo 12:05 to 2:06 Studio 2012
"FAVOLANDO" by Fabrizio Luca from 22 June to 14 July 2012 FEATURED via Udine 2/1 TRIESTE-
"Versions of reality and of the 'imaginary' FORUM ARTIS MUSEUM exhibition organized by CONESTABO ARTGALLERY 28 July to 27 August 2012 - Rocca Montese (Modena)
"AGUA DE IGUAZU" by Miriam Sarricchio 7 to 25 August 2012 SHOWCASE via Udine 2/1 TRIESTE-
"BLU MARINO" exhibition organized by CONESTABO ARTGALLERY, Barbacan Piazza Trieste - September 1, 2012
"Art CONCRETE 9: constructivism of YESTERDAY and TODAY" September 18-October 19, 2012 with 6 nations international group organized by CONESTABO ARTGALLERY, in collaboration with the Museum of Pazin, and the town of Motovun at the Galleria Kastel Motovun
"THE BREATH OF EXISTENCE" by Claudia Raza from 7 September 29, 2012 by SHOWCASE Udine 2/1 TRIESTE
"INVISIBLE ROAD of LIFE" of VALENCAK Crt 6 to 27 October 2012Showcase via Udine 2/1 TRIESTE

Graphic- publication- Gadget and manifestation:
Since 1982 the Studio Conestabo Arte has been active in the creation, cohordination and realization of many activities aimed at promoting schools, civil, sports and cultural activities.

Photo service for the exibition "Il libro costruttivista: l'intervento di El Lissitzky nella cultura del '900."( The Constructivist Book: the Interviw of El Lissitzky in the ninetieth)
Photographic service aimed at publishing the reporting of Church Wall paintings carried on by Augusto Cernigoj in the years 1943-45
Realiztion of the “Ressel” catalogue


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